Morning in camp
Woke at 7am, a quick few photos then back on the road, only 20 mins to the border point but we had to stop at a view point on the way!
Further up the Bight, Wow!!
The Great Australian Bight
Road train at the last Roadhouse in S.A
These are huge & it's a bit scary when they pass you!
Road train
About to enter the border checkpoint, time to eat all the leftover fruit which we don't have much of after learning our lesson at the S.A border!
The Border for Wester Australia
Sailed through with minimal hassle although they did take Lees honey & some of our beautiful sweet lemons from Deb & Wayne :(
Eucla Motel, an oasis in the desert :)
Not much to look at from the front but...
A lovely Garden out the back
complete with pool with a view!
Lee having his morning flat white
Track to telegraph station ruins
When we stopped for coffee & brekkie the lady from the cafe told us there was an abandoned telegraph station 4km down a gravel track behind the motel
The Old telegraph station
Lucky Phil!
And a 1km walk behind the telegraph station, over the dunes, we found this...
The sea & sand were really these colours!
Warm turquoise water :)
We love this place :)
Little dandelion in the dunes to remind us of home :)
An impromptu swim was called for (not skinny dipping as there was one other couple on the whole beach!)
The Bight is the place to see whales between May & October
Aussie time zones, we crossed the border an hour before we woke up!
Distances we've travelled and are yet to travel!
Back on the road and heading for the heat!
40c across the Nullarbor Plain today!
Happy travellers!
Hair by The Nullarbor :)
Madura Lookout point
A harsh but beautiful landscape
Bush fire
One thing I didn't want to see in Oz but hopefully it was a controlled one.
Australia's longest straight road!
But not a Roo (alive), emu or camel in sight so far, but that's probably a good thing as we don't want to add to the death toll!
The landscape seems to carry on into infinity
As does the road!
Random bench made of bottle tops at a rest stop
Fluffy clouds :)
It's been an amazing road trip through the Nullarbor but now all we want is a cool shower!
Look a bend!!
We've made it to Balladonia and our camp for tonight & it's raining, and do you know what, I may just run naked in it!!
A piece of Skylab fell near here sometime in the 70s (I think)
We got a certificate :)
Camp tonight & I don't care if it's a bit rough & rugged, just glad to be here!
All clean, off on walkabout around the back of the Balladonia with Lee & the camera.
Long shadow at last!
No Roos but what a killer of a sunset, every angle of the sky gave an incredible image. (these are straight off the iPhone, no editing)
Time for dinner at the Balladonia bar/restaurant, we both had the fish & chips & it was lovely (cooked by Terry) We spent quite a long time chatting to Holly from Workington in The Lakes who also works here & has spent the last couple of years travelling the world. (She is also finding the reality of it being Christmas in a few days difficult!)
Lee enjoying a glass of red after our mammoth drive today :)
Very tired after a very long day due to our clocks going back 2 or 3 hours when we got to W.A so nite x